Who is your lover?


At Editions de Parfums Frédéric Malle, we believe there are a thousand and one ways to seduce and to declare your passion. In love, as in perfumery, only one rule applies: absolute freedom. The freedom to play the game your own way. To express your feelings regardless of convention so as to make desire blossom, in all of its many forms. And to succumb to its pleasures.


This season, share our luxurious and eclectic magic. Discover the dazzlingly wide selection of gifts of Editions De Parfums Frederic Malle’s. Each one a true piece of design, a true piece of perfumery.




An uncontested master at games of love and chance, your caresses are breathtakingly precise, your beloved always in expert hands. 

Desires without limits.




A single glance that brings forth blushes, a gesture like an almost imperceptible caress. A whole way of being, self-assured, magnetic.

And all with one sole aim: conquest.

Resistance is already pleasure.




Hackneyed declarations of love and rose-tinted romance just don’t cut it. For you, love is a way of life, sincere and sensual, always direct.

Nobility of sentiment, hatred of sentimentalism.




In love, you are like an Impressionist painting: rather than revealing your attractions, you prefer

to subtly suggest them—and leave the

rest to the imagination.

Guess who?




For sheer indulgence, whether alone or with someone special, nothing beats the elegant, tranquil comfort of your domestic setting, the peaceful serenity of your softly lit bedroom.

Gentle on the inside.


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